I recently touched base with my high school friends. Memories of school flooded me. I love school. I loved it so much it took me 10 years to get a degree.
I graduated from high school back in March 1997. I only got my first degree, Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing on March 2007.
I started college at the age of fifteen. I studied Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at Far Eastern University (FEU). I breezed through college and was a member of the Honor Class and the Honor Society. It helped that my parents were very supportive with school plus my mom's an educator.
Education is really a big thing in the family that is why it was painful for them when I decided not to take the final exam in three subjects because my university knowingly implemented a curriculum which was only approved by the Commission on Education when we were already in third year. The curriculum was retroactively applied. This is not permitted by law.
We sued FEU. We won in the lower court last September 2002. FEU filed an appeal and until now there's no decision from the Court of Appeal.
Life had to continue. After reviewing for a year for the board exam, I finally decided to enroll in another school. I applied in UP Diliman. Luckily, I passed the talent exam for Creative Writing even if I was 45 minutes late and only had 45 minutes to take the exam. It was a blessing in disguise. It wasn't easy starting college again in a new school at the age of 21.
These years were the darkest in my life. I hope and wish that this will remain so. It wasn't easy. Zillions of times I felt regretful of the decision I made but bounced back again. It took me four years to finish the course. It was grueling.
However, it was sweet. I felt I was the happiest and luckiest of all among all the graduates who walked that stage.